Your bathtub can look worn and aging because of frequent usage. When facing this problem, many people think that replacing the bathtub is the only solution. However, you might want to paint the bathtub to give brand new look to your bathtub. It will be more affordable for you than replacing the whole bathtub. Painting the bathtub is relatively easy. Even though you are beginner, you might be able to do it well. You just have to follow the instructions and have some patience in completing the task. Here are some tips on how to paint a bathtub.
If you are thinking how to paint a bathtub, you need to prepare some tools such as chemical cleaner, palm sander, and tape. The first step to do is using the chemical cleaner. This chemical helps you to clean the bathroom’s surface effectively. The chemicals which can work effectively as cleaner are including alcohol and acetone. It is also preferable for you to use other heavy duty cleaners which are using the alcohol as the base. After cleaning your bathtub with those cleaners, you have to rinse those away thoroughly. Let it dry for some times.
The next step to do is rubbing your bathtub surface with palm sander. This process is important to make the surface rough so the paint can be applied better. To complete this step, you have to use the palm sander since it is the best tool. Palm sander will sand the surface lightly. The users need to start the sander before putting it on the bathtub. After it is operating, you can place it on the tub before sweeping it back and forth. When you have finished, you can lift the sander before turning it off.
According to tips on how to paint a bathtub, you should cover the surface which you are not planning to paint. Use the taping paper over it. The parts which you should cover are including faucet, water knobs, and the floor around the bathtub. The users also need to apply the bonding agent to the tub when you are painting porcelain or tile. The bonding agent is helping the paint to adhere the bathtub’s surface. If you still do not know, the bonding agent has liquid form. In applying the agent, you can use the paper towel and spray bottle. It is recommended for you to rub or spray it over the entire bathtub’s surface. Let the liquid to dry for about 5 minutes.
You need to prepare the epoxy paint in the spray gun. The epoxy painting is two-part paint which hardens to a shine. You need to apply the paint for two or three coats to the bathtub. In applying the paint, you need to use left to right sweeping motions. You have to let the paint to dry between each application. Another option in applying the paint is using the paint brush but it takes longer time. Not only that, but it will not look as smooth as the spray gun application.
Tips on how to paint a bathtub tell you to complete the steps with two or three coats of acrylic top coat. It is highly recommended for you to use the top coat since it prevents the paint from chipping. It can also give the durable finish on your paint coat. You should wait for the previous coat is dry before applying another coat. The time duration recommended is half an hour between each coat.